Board President
- The President shall preside at all meetings of the Chapter, conducting them in accordance with Article VI, and shall obey the lawful mandates of the Chapter’s members.
- The President shall act as Chair of the Board at Board meetings.
- The President shall have the power to call special meetings for either the Board of Directors or General Meetings if deemed necessary for the benefit of the Chapter.
- Special Meetings shall be called with as much advanced notification to the Board of Directors and General Membership.
- Preferably, notification should be included in the Board’s and/or General Meeting Agendas.
- The President shall have the deciding vote in case of tied decisions.
Board Vice President
- The Vice President shall assume the duties, rights and responsibilities of the President in his/her absence or in case the President’s office may become vacant for any cause whatever, and shall attend to any other duties as the President may require.
Board Secretary
- The Secretary shall:
- Prepare the Agendas for the Board and General Meetings,
- Record and keep minutes of all Board meetings and key decisions of General Membership meetings,
- Maintain the official records of the Chapter.
- The Secretary will ensure the timely distribution (within five business days following the meeting) of Meeting minutes to Board and General Members.
- An annual audit of the books shall be performed by someone outside the Board of Directors (independent auditor), the results of which shall be reported to the Board.
- The Secretary shall perform a quarterly bank reconciliation, the results of which are reported to the Board.
Board Treasurer
- The Treasurer shall reconcile membership monies received with membership records and collect other monies or articles of value belonging to the Chapter, and shall keep an accurate account of all treasury receipts, expenditures, and deposits.
- The Treasurer shall propose a budget to the Board for approval in January of each year.