The April Membership Meeting is tonight at 6:30 Pacific!
Justin White will lead off the evening with his always entertaining and insightful Garden Fresh analysis on current Information Security events.
Following Justin, our featured speaker this month will be Randy Pragman. Randy will discuss Bazacall AKA Dial-a-Botnet and how local businesses can help, a new way to receive emergency notifications of cyberattacks from gov and private industry and Threat hunting using Sysmon event data in Azure Sentinel
Randy Pargman is the Vice President of Threat Hunting & Counterintelligence at Binary Defense. In this role, Randy leads the Threat Hunting team in reverse engineering malware and developing new techniques for detecting signs of emerging threats and attacker behavior that evade or defeat traditional security solutions. He also leads the Counterintelligence and Intelligence Operations Teams in researching threat actors, finding threat information on Darknet hidden websites, criminal forums, dump sites and social media platforms.
Joining Binary Defense in 2019, Pargman had previously spent 15 years at the Federal Bureau of Investigation as a Senior Computer Scientist with the Cyber Task Force based in Seattle, Washington as well as the global Cyber Action Team.
Randy has earned the FBI Director’s Award for Excellence in Technical Advancement as well as the FBI Medal of Excellence. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science.